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The third annual Travel Video Awards (TVAs) honors innovative and inspiring travel videos released in 2019 by both independent filmmakers and brands from across the globe. The TVAs recognizes distinguished cinematic and cutting-edge digital video content across a variety of categories. Nominees will be invited to attend the third annual Travel Video Awards ceremony in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 21, 2020 for. Winners of the Nomad Award, Independent Audience Award and TVA-Steller Award will receive cash prizes, and all category winners will receive distinction awards.
The Independent track honors the best videos from independent filmmakers.
The Nomad Award will be given to an Independent track nominee whose submission exemplifies the highest excellence in travel filmmaking. All Independent track nominees are eligible for The Nomad Award.
The Independent Audience Award will be given to the creator of the video that tallies the highest number of votes from the Independent track. All Independent track nominees are eligible for the Audience Award.
The Independent track honors the best videos from independent filmmakers. All category winners will receive a commemorative trophy and a winner’s digital badge. All nominees will receive the nominee’s digital badge.
Main Categories
Special Categories
The Industry track honors the best travel videos from the travel industry, media companies, production companies, creative or media agencies, and lifestyle brands.
The Industry Audience Award is given to the creator of the video that tallies the highest number of votes from the industry track. All Industry track nominees are eligible for the Audience Award.
The Industry track honors the best videos from travel industry brands, agencies, and others. All category winners will receive a commemorative trophy and a winner’s digital badge. All nominees will receive the nominee’s digital badge.
Main Categories
Special Categories
The TVA-Steller Award will nominate four stories and select one winner. The winner will receive a $1,000 cash prize, a commemorative trophy and digital badge. All nominees will receive the nominee’s digital badge.
Independent track, Industry track or Steller Awards? Be sure to check our guidelines and read the terms and conditions before applying.
Be sure to correctly fill out all of the information in the submission form before submitting.
Final deadline to apply is February 16, 2020 at 11:59pm PST. Nominees will be officially announced on March 15, 2020.
Questions? See the submission guidelines
Be sure to read the full terms and conditions.